The Best Waste Treatment Technology
The Best Waste Treatment Technology – Indonesia has a lot of technology that is already running and developing and is even known worldwide. One of the world’s technological innovations is waste management technology. Here’s the review
1. Mallgarb
Mallsampah is a startup from Makassar that was founded in 2015 and has now become a limited liability company. The way this waste mall works is to mediate waste producers, both household and office waste, to then be traded to collectors or scavengers. Through this platform, people can also buy products that are environmentally friendly.
2. Dispenser Mas Eco
As the name implies, the Mas Eco Dispenser is a smart dispenser that has been designed with a computerized system. Even though it is still a prototype, Dede Nurdiansya, as the innovator, plans to make Mas Eco Dispenser available at crowded points so as to encourage people to bring their own drinking packaging and avoid the problem of thirst. Later, this Mas Eco Dispenser will function only by attaching an electronic money card.
3. People’s Electricity TOSS
The Local Electricity Trash Place (TOSS) is a program to treat organic waste, such as leaves, grass, and trees which will then be used as an alternative source of economic energy. This innovation was created by the Klungkung Regional Government in collaboration with STT PLLN and Indonesia Power. Not only that, organic waste from households can also be transformed into fish feed that can be traded.
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4. Gringo
Another startup that has an idea for waste management. Gringgo, which has been established since 2014 and is based in Bali, is a platform that can connect the community to the nearest landfill for easy recycling. Interestingly, in the waste processing process that occurs, both waste producers, collectors, or recyclers can receive prizes according to the information contained in the application.
5. Transport
This innovation is still related to startups. Under the name Angkuts, this startup from Pontianak functions to provide targeted waste transportation services to make it easier for people to make waste.
Angkuts can manage waste in housing, restaurants, hotels, offices, and even boarding houses. Not only that, waste owners will also be rewarded with balances in the form of savings in the Angkuts application.…